Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Isn't she lovely? I figured everybody else is posting pics of me, so I'd start posting pics as well!

So yeah, miror shot. I love that dress. she looks so amazing in it. the first time I saw her in that dress it literally took my breath away!


EmilyLemily said...

:) Well, you think the dress looks good now...wait until it actually fits right and I get all dressy for Leah's wedding reception... ;)

Elizabeth said...

You are so mushy.

Anonymous said...

Y'all are so adorable, it's nauseating... ha ha... But I'm happy for you both!

Jannie, Mom, Grams said...

Cute pictures, even the one with the camera flash in the mirror. So where are the new pictures from Saturday night?

Elizabeth said...

Hey future bro! So when are YOU going to make a post? :) Wow, I get to have a brother now! Don't worry, I won't pick on you too much.